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Easy joining process / Get HGA Token

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Joining process / Get HGA Token (Do it yourself)

Use this option only if you are a tech savvy person

Step-By-Step Tutorial To Get HGA Coin/Token

  1. Get Ether wallet by downloading Metamask
  2. Buy Ether/Ethereum and deposit it in your wallet
  3. Now you need to purchase SCN coins/tokens
  4. You need to add HGA custom token to your wallet. (Follow the video tutorial to know how to add the custom tokens)
  5. Once you add the custom token successfully, you will find HGA got added in your wallet and its balance is zero.
  6. Now you need to send 0.011 Ether to the address: 0x7682dF632D031d97d8b4D03Fbd35764Dc00e7540
  7. You will find HGA coin/token got credited.

Flow-chart of how to buy HGA Coin/Token

Use this option only if you are a tech savvy person

graph LR step-1[


Get Ether Wallet A/C
by downloading METAMASK ] step-1-->android[/Click here to
Download Metamask
for your Android phone/] step-1-->desktop[/Click here to
Download Metamask
for your desktop or laptop/] click android "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.metamask&hl=en_IN&gl=US" "Download" click desktop "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn?hl=en" "Download" subgraph Download & Install Metamask android desktop end android --> self{Are you tech savvy?
Yes / No} -->|Yes|step-2(


Buy Ether
Click here to buy Ether) click step-2 step2Callback "Click to buy Ether" step-2-->depositeEther2Mywallet[Deposit Ether to your wallet] desktop --> self{Are you tech savvy?
Yes / No} self-->|No|contactUs>Contact Us] --> pay>Pay us] --> sendUEther>We will send you the Ether] %%style step-1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,font-size:40px
graph LR depositeEther2Mywallet[In Step-2 you have purchased Ether.
Now your wallet has Ether balance] --->|Now send Ether from your wallet
to the address:
Warning: Undefined variable $contractAddressSCN in /home/amanzee/public_html/scn/join-us.php on line 60
given in Step-3| step-3{{


Send ETHER to Address:
Warning: Undefined variable $contractAddressSCN in /home/amanzee/public_html/scn/join-us.php on line 60 }} subgraph HGA Exchange step-3 end step-3-->|HGA coins are transfered to
your ETHER wallet A/C|step-4(


HGA coins gets credited in your
A/C )

Install Metamask on Desktop Install Metamask on Android

Video tutorials

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How to use metamask in Android 2020


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What is Metamask ? How to Install and use - Explained Telugu


How to Buy Ethereum (in 2 minutes) - 2021 Updated


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Add HGA token/coin to your wallet

How To Add Custom Tokens To MetaMask? [MetaMask Tutorial]

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