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Who will buy HGA? Or Who will be joining us?

  1. People looking for job in different fields
  2. People looking for work from home or work from anywhere
  3. People looking for part-time jobs
  4. People looking for building career in DeFi
  5. People looking for education from foreign universities free of cost
  6. People looking for releasing real estate shares all over the globe
  7. People looking for invitation from US companies for USA B-1 Visa
  8. Students looking for intership program in US, at free of cost.
  9. People looking for joining exclusive events, private clubs, communities.
  10. People interested in experiencing with us, exotic destinations, excursions, travelling, trekking, camping.
  11. People insterested in spiritualism & spiritual tours with like minded people.
  12. Parents looking for exclusive science workshop for their children(Class-V to Class-X).
  13. AI tools training workshops
  14. Digital marketing + AI workshops

What is the program curriculum?

Please click the button below for the curriculum details:
Program Curriculum

What opportunities do I have as a Business Manager of the program?

Blue Band - For women & men

  1. You can start your own training, recruitment & placement agency.
    From where will I get the clients for the placements?
    Clients will be provided by us.
  2. You can become MLM team lead & trainer
  3. Become a B-1 Visa invitation agent
  4. Become a HGA Vendor
  5. OSINT reconnaissance training

E2O Band - only for women
  1. Influencer
  2. Brand manager
  3. Webninar host
  4. Cinematography
  5. You can become event organizer, manager, host.
  6. Photo shoot for magazines
  7. Modelling
  8. Spiritual healer, mentor & counselor
  9. Community manager
  10. Collaborators for white band business managers. Lead generation, conversion, trainer

What demand OSINT reconnaissance has in job market?
The Information Hunters: Why Information Gathering Professionals are Booming in Today's Job Market

In an age where data is king, the ability to find, analyze, and synthesize information has become an invaluable skill. Enter the information gathering professionals, the data detectives who sift through the overwhelming digital landscape to unveil crucial insights. Their expertise is in high demand across various industries, making them some of the most sought-after workers in the current job market.

Why the Buzz?

There are several reasons why information gathering professionals are experiencing a surge in demand:

Who Employs Them?

The range of employers seeking information gathering professionals is vast, including:

Salary: The Golden Nuggets

The exact salary for information gathering professionals depends on factors like experience, skillset, and industry. However, they generally command competitive salaries with a strong growth potential. Here's a rough estimate:

The Future of Information Gathering

The demand for information gathering professionals is expected to continue growing in the coming years. As the world becomes increasingly data-driven, the need for individuals who can effectively manage and utilize information will remain critical.

So, if you have a knack for research, analysis, and problem-solving, honing your information gathering skills could be a wise investment in your future. Remember, in the Information Age, the hunters of knowledge are the true power players.

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